2023 Academic Scholarship Recipient Mollie Naegeli

Mollie Naegeli Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law – $2000 Mary Sue Schulberg Scholarship + $3000 General Fund Scholarship

Growing up in Houston, the energy capital of the world, the oil and gas, renewables, and energy industries have always been prevalent in my life. It was during my law school career where my interest in energy and natural resources law really blossomed.

After completing my first year at SMU Law, I had the opportunity to return home for the summer and clerk for Bracewell LLP in their Houston office. During that summer I worked in Bracewell’s Projects and Infrastructure group where I worked on various oil, natural gas, and renewable transactions. Through redlining purchase and sale agreements, drafting closing checklists, and researching and drafting memoranda on carbon capture, I discovered a strong interest in the field of natural resources law. After that summer, I eagerly enrolled in SMU’s Oil & Gas Law course taught by Professor James Coleman.

I hope to contribute to the field of energy and natural resources law through my opportunity at Bracewell and my passion for the subject. With Bracewell being a leading law firm in the energy industry on a global level, I hope to continue learning from expert mentors and working with industry-leading clients. Specifically, I am interested in promoting the expansion of natural gas infrastructure in the United States to help curb carbon emissions while continuing to facilitate investment into renewables.

Finally, as a female in the traditionally male-driven industry, I hope to inspire other young women to seek a career in energy law, just as women attorneys and professors in my life have encouraged me.

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